
User Experience Design

Development of conceptual models, application of paradigms to business objectives and/or user goals. Creation of application models, workflow diagrams, functional views, experience maps. Design and production of data capture screens and ‘on-screen’ rich messaging that are optimized and tested for user comprehension.

Conversion Rate Lift and Web Optimization

Strategic planning to convert lookers into bookers. Landing page heuristic evaluations, recommendations to lift conversion by improving design, composition, content and layout. Employment of persuasive psychology for emotional appeal.

Workflows, Wireframes & Prototyping

Execution of business objectives and task workflows on User Interfaces. Development of a user-centered culture within team and organization. Development of fully immersive wireframe prototypes with software specifications. Certified Specialist in Justinmind Prototyping tool.

User-Centric & Visual Design

Implementation of intuitive navigation structures. Provision of decisions to improve layout, colour, graphics, icons and text. Production of intuitive interactions using appropaite UI controls and comprehensive error & feedback design. Increase of web efficiency using application standards.

Successful Partnerships

Strong association with big players in the industry for collaboration on specific and on-going projects. Key alliances with OpenText™, StoneShare™ and Microsoft™.

Meaningful Product Impact

Product Design as essential part of the everyday software experience for millions of users. Clients such as Ornge, Intercall, TD and Barrick have achieved a competitive advantage with the use these UIs, which translates into faster user adoption rates and a decrease in training costs.

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